Upon request, one of our technical sales consultants will support you directly on site.
We have the right castor and wheel for every need. Let us show you which castors and wheels are the best choice for you.
Upon request, one of our technical sales consultants will support you directly on site.
The fast track to a solution: our customer service team is available for you via our toll-free hotline 00800 700 888 000 Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Use our online ordering options. The Rollenbau website is available 24/7 and allows you to find information, compare, make inquiries, and place orders. All you need is your office PC or a tablet or cell phone if you are on site.
Use our convenient online product selection help which will allow you to easily find the products you actually need.
Hier sehen Sie alle bisher getätigten Bestellungen. Hier können Sie Lieferschein- oder Rechnungskopien bequem anfordern.
Here you can request your individual barcode labels.
Orders received by 3:00 p.m. will ship on the same day. Items that weigh up to 30 kg will be delivered on the following business day. Anything heavier will be delivered within two business days.
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