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For over 50 years

For over 50 years, we at Rollenbau GmbH have been proven specialists in the field of rollers and wheels.

With our products, we keep parts of the Austrian and international economy - whether technical operations, food trade, hospitals or transport companies - running in the truest sense of the word.

We combine traditional values, such as pronounced quality awareness, honesty and expert advice, with innovative thinking. Our many long-standing customers know what they get from us: excellent technical expertise and reliability - we know exactly which roller or wheel is the best solution for which application. Think of our family business as a person: in the prime of life, very experienced, always eager to learn and learn. And equipped with a solid character.

We have been thinking and acting sustainably for three generations - long before this term was on everyone's lips. We look forward to convincing you of our services. So that everything runs like clockwork!